Professional Development

PD Interest Form

Culturally Affirming Precalculus PD

Over 2023-24 Project Outreach FAMILIA will offer a Professional Development (PD) opportunity to learn about and prepare to teach our Culturally Affirming precalculus curriculum. This PD opportunity is open to high school teachers and community college instructors.  Preference will be given to teachers qualified to teach Dual Enrollment precalculus, and to schools and instructors who can commit to teaching our Culturally Affirming course over the 2024-25 academic year.  If you are interested, let us know!

The Larger Effort

Project Outreach FAMILIA is a Title V, grant-funded program that seeks to increase the number of Hispanic and low-income students entering higher education and earning college degrees. In Fall 2022, Outreach FAMILIA launched their culturally-responsive pre-calculus course for the first cohort of high school students at several TUSD schools. 

“We are grounded in Tucson as place—its people, identities, natural beauty, culture, to craft a robust precalculus curriculum that seeks to deliver an education of mind and heart nestled in the Southwestern US and our borderlands,” say Dr. Guada Lozano, Outreach FAMILIA Co-PI and curriculum design lead. “Guiding our work—as cause and inspiration—are our students, our local schools, our communities.  I am thankful for this launch and the work and promise that lies ahead.”